Happy Zero Waste Week!
Founded by Rachelle Strauss in 2008, Zero Waste Week actively encourages people to reduce the use, among other things, of plastic packaging and to seek other methods of transporting and storing food.
Founded by Rachelle Strauss in 2008, Zero Waste Week actively encourages people to reduce the use, among other things, of plastic packaging and to seek other methods of transporting and storing food.
Zero Waste Week adopted the effective adage “there’s no such thing as away” meaning when you throw something ‘away’, it merely goes somewhere else, causing harm to the ecosystem. The campaign has been extremely effective in influencing consumer awareness and now boasts a global following and has been successful in lobbying producers and governmental bodies.
The website features comprehensive blog including methods to reduce waste for businesses, schools and households and how to take part.
At Martek Zero Waste, we urge everyone to follow and take part in Zero Waste Week and implement their recommendations into our everyday lives. As the UK’s leading supplier of gravity dispensers and scoop bins, we commend Rachelle and those behind Zero Waste Week for doing a fantastic job in raising awareness for the Zero Waste cause.
At Martek Zaro waste, we feel it’s important for the sake of the planet not to delay the goal of eradicating single use plastics from the food supply chain. For this reason, we are more determined than ever to offer customers a safe and hygienic alternative to single use plastics through our gravity dispensers and other zero package dispensing solutions.